1. Republican Mayor of Mesa, Arizona, Blasts Trump During DNC Speech
•John Giles, a Republican mayor, delivers a scathing critique of Trump’s leadership and compares his behavior to that of a child.
•Watch here .
2. John McCain’s Memorial – Republicans Criticize Trump
•During the memorial service for Senator John McCain, several prominent Republicans, including George W. Bush and others, made veiled critiques of Trump’s leadership style.
3. Republican Voters Against Trump – Full Playlist
•This YouTube channel collects testimonials from Republicans, many of whom voted for Trump in 2016 but have since turned against him. The videos feature personal stories of dissatisfaction with his leadership.
•Watch here .
4. He’ll Never Get My Vote – Republican Voters Against Trump Campaign
•This video showcases lifelong Republicans explaining why they will not support Trump in future elections, despite having previously voted for him.
•Watch here .
5. Former GOP Senator Jeff Flake Speaks Out Against Trump
•Jeff Flake, former Republican senator from Arizona, has been a longtime critic of Trump. In this video, Flake discusses his opposition to Trump’s policies and rhetoric.